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Writer's pictureJessica Ballard

New Moon in Capricorn 2024

Happy New Year... But for Real this time!

Greetings, pals!

I know we just celebrated the calendar New Year a little over a week ago, but many astrologers consider the first new moon of the calendar year to be the actual New Year.  At 6:57 AM EST we welcome the new moon in Capricorn, the first lunation of the year... and it's a juicy one!  Here's some insight on the planetary activity, (and there is a lot) and a fun New Moon ritual to take through 2024.

Greetings, pals!

I know we just celebrated the calendar New Year a little over a week ago, but many astrologers consider the first new moon of the calendar year to be the actual New Year.  At 6:57 AM EST we welcome the new moon in Capricorn, the first lunation of the year... and it's a juicy one!  Here's some insight on the planetary activity, (and there is a lot) and a fun New Moon ritual to take through 2024.

Most of us know that new moons are a time for setting intentions, planting seeds, and dreaming of what we want to bring in. This can be an extra potent lunar opportunity to set our intentions for the rest of the year and there’s no better sign  than Capricorn for committing to what we want to build and work on. This is a sign of hard work focus structure, ambition, and seeing the goal to the end. 

Capricorn's long game perspective can push us toward our personal (and maybe collective?) mastery. It can offer a sober and pragmatic attitude that is realistic and demands determination and effort.  Capricorn's planetary ruler is Saturn, showing us the hard brick of reality, obstacles and challenges that are required to take responsibility for our goals.  If we commune with Saturn from a place of maturity, we often find the hard work was worth it.

Saturn will be in the sign of Pisces all year, inviting compassion and imagination, if not a bit of escapism into our New Year's intention setting.  It will serve us to consider how we can work hard on behalf of the suffering and downtrodden.  That said, we need to remember to be responsible for our own emotional needs and not be pulled under by the waves  of overwhelm that can come when we work to help the underdog. This is an excellent time to commit to spiritual work or even try on a little sobriety, so to speak. Avoiding intoxicants can symbolize to this sacred guardian of our own sovereignty that we are open to the divine mission and we are clear enough to receive the holy guidance. 

We may feel called to work on a project or build something that gives our life meaning. Use this precious portal wisely and with intention.

While Saturn can be a tough old bird, it is currently in a favorable position with another ambitious planet, Mars exalted in Capricorn, and ruling the north node of fate, focused and ready to move forward on goals and ambitions. How can we take action toward our goals?

We may need to be a little selfish in order to anchor into our long game.

I recently heard Steven Forrest speak of selfishness in a healthy way as centering in self and I find that perspective deeply useful.

There’s a bit of luck involved with Jupiter, forming a trine to Mars, inviting us to dream big about what resources and materials are required to do the work we need to do. What sort of abundance is available if we are willing to put in the effort?  To commit? While Saturn can put limits on us, we shouldn't limit our dreams because miracles are always on the menu and we are always welcome to ask for them without attachment. Jupiter, god of abundance and growth, in Taurus values the physical and monetary requirements to live a sustainable and harmonious life and may be willing to grant you a wish or add to your assets if you choose to put the work in for what you really want. 

Expect adjustments to be made to this goal in the spring and perhaps some surprise opportunities could come along to shake you up and propel you forward.  Don't be so attached to the original outcome that you miss the shifts the Universe is offering you.

This particular lunation features Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn, inviting us to get real about where we have handed over our power to the external establishment or authority or stepped into our  sovereign birthright as the author of our own sacred story.

Mercury just happens to be transiting the Galactic Center (27 degrees Sagittarius) after a slightly confusing square to Neptune the last few days, birthing ideas,  and sending messages from the beyond so pay attention to the wisdom that is being whispered into your consciousness or even showing up right in front of your face! 

If you are the type that loves a good new moon ritual, you might very much enjoy this one... or find it ridiculous:

When I think of Capricorn and the grit and determination required to get the job done, I think of how I sometimes need to remind myself to put on my big girl panties and just do the work.  Consider purchasing your very special "Big Kid undies" and reserving them for those very moments when you are feeling the limits and fear of Saturn and you require the courage of Mars to step forth and show up.  I purchased mine on the Capricorn full moon and blessed them with a group of sister friends!  I know right where they are if I need to suit up, so to speak!

You will know when you need them!

All right, take care of each other Everyone,

Happy New Moon and Happy New Year!


***Should further support feel useful in navigating your astrological journey in the coming year, consider setting up an astrological consult with me to explore the the cosmic influence and all of the treasures your chart holds for you! Book here

Use the code ORACLE2024 for 10% off all services.  Offer good through January.

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